Friday, 24 June 2011

Thing 2 - comments

Bit mad here at the moment but have finally managed to leave one comment.  Just wondered if anyone else had had a problem with doing this.  Everytime I pressed 'Post comment' on Deborah's blog I was redirected to the sign-in page for Google; then went back to Deborah's blog and the same thing happened again.   Having finally snapped out of this hypnotic routine, I did a quick search and found this is a known bug with Blogger and Google accounts.  One of the fixes is to untick the 'Stay signed in' box on the Google account sign-in.  I tried that and it worked!  So, if anyone else is going round in circles when posting comments, try that.


  1. Think I've managed to comment but thanks for the useful tip. New to all this so practical advice in another newbies blog is good to see.

  2. Thanks, Stephanie. Am really enjoying all this but finding it quite mind-boggling at the same time. Sally

  3. I'm a first-time blogger and have also tried to leave a comment and had that problem too. I shall give this a try and see if it works.
